Flax seeds are a product of nature. To take good care of your pillows we suggest some instructions for heating and chilling and care for long-lasting uses


The easiest way to heat the pillows is in the microwave. Microwave ovens come with different sizes and strengths. Consider flax seed is a natural product that heats up the same as when you are cooking food.

Heat it for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time, checking the temperature after each interval. Overheating may damage the pillow(s) or make it too hot for safe use.

Here are approximate heating instructions for heating in the microwave.

for 1 Pillow 1.5-2 minutes,

for 2 Pillows 2-2.5 minutes,

for 3 Pillows 2.5-3 Minutes, etc.


Heating in the oven: place the pillow(s) on a baking sheet in the oven, turn it on to 350F. After 5 min, shake the pillows and let them heat up some more to the desired warmth (maybe for another 2-3 min). Enjoy!


Flaxseeds feel naturally cool. To use the pillows on a hot summer day or treat swelling apply a chilled Travel or Neck Pillow around the neck. Sitting on a couch or desk or even walking around is refreshing and cools your whole body.


I suggest you keep a pillow chilled to be ready at any time.

  • Place the pillow(s) in a plastic bag,
  • Refrigerator: 1-3 hours (or more)
  • Freezer: 45 min to 2 hours.

These times depend not only on the thickness but also on how cold you like your pillows

Care & Caution

Remove Cover before washing the cover

  • Do not overheat the pillows (seeds will burn)
  • Avoid getting the pillows wet (flaxseed will dry to a clumpy mass)
  • Stay near by while heating.
  • Reheat (when still warm but not enough) in less time; remember flaxseed is also a food :))